RAL 840

    Original RAL 840 Color Register

    RAL 840 contains the primary standards of all 216 RAL CLASSIC colors
    The RAL 840 is the basis for all RAL CLASSIC colors and delivers the binding color mode. Therefore, it is for paint manufacturers and manufacturers of other colored materials in RAL CLASSIC colors an indispensable tool. These colors serve as a template for formulation and can be used as standards in colorimeters. In dispute are the tabs, the most important decision means and so they are the tool of choice for evaluators.The cards with the 15 pearlescent colors and the rust protection colors RAL 9006, RAL 9007 are visually checked and contain no measured values.

    • semi matt
    • A5-sized (14.8 x 21 cm), color illustration A6-sized (10.5 x 14.8 cm)
    • binding color samples for color matching and quality control
    • cards are also individually available
    • delivery in a black macro-box

    Please note: The register is not complete by the manufacturer! The missing cards are deducted from the total amount. We cannot offer a guarantee for a delivery date for the unavailable color cards.

    Since 2020/21 there are 3 new colors on the RAL system, which are available as register cards:
    RAL 2017 RAL Orange
    RAL 9012 Reinraumweiß
    RAL 6039 Fasergrün

    The 3D image shows the extent of the RAL Classic color collection in the Lab color space

    SKU: 270 Category: